We had packed sandwiches for us, and bottles for Penny, so we only had to stop once for gas on the way. Penny was great as usual, and slept most of the time. We got there a little after 11pm and hung out for a little while before going to bed.
Friday, we got up and put Penny in a cute outfit (a Katie hand-me-down), and went to eat lunch at Izzo's, one of our favorite burrito places and a usual stop for us when we visit. On the way back we got snowballs (like snow cones but the ice is super fine, like snow). Mine was coconut flavored with soft serve vanilla ice cream in the middle. Delicious!
Later that night, we went to La Fonda, where the food was good as usual, and the service was odd and slow (also as usual). A family tradition.
The next day was Cory's cousin's wedding. It was at the nearby church which had recently been renovated - so pretty! My friend Christy was in the wedding and it was great to see her and her mom. Penny wore a dress that I had originally bought for Katie, and that Katie wore to our wedding two years ago.
Later, we had dinner with our friends Adrian and Jessica, and they came over and visited with us and Penny after we ate. Then, we put the baby to bed and got to go out! We met some friends at one of our old college bars for a few drinks. We stayed and visited until almost 2am. It was great. That was definitely a Sunday morning I was glad to hand the baby over to MawMaw and go back to bed! Really, though, we are so lucky that Penny is sleeping through the night. Being an early riser is okay if you've had some continuous sleep. :-)
Sunday was a lazy day for us. I think we had lunch around the house and then Cory's mom, Penny, and I went to Target. I also got in a little work on this:
That night we went to Parrain's for dinner, which was just okay, but reminded me I want to try to recreate their cole slaw. It is just a little sweet, but mustardy and peppery, and it has peanuts in it! That plus their huge onion rings might have been my favorite part of the meal. :-) We also went to visit Cory's grandparents at their house. It was great to see them and visit for a while.
Monday was Memorial Day, so we mostly ate and visited with people. We had lunch at La Carreta (Cory's family loves Mexican food, for sure!), and then went to meet Cory's godmother. Cory had not seen her in a long time, and she had never met me or Penny. Then, Christy came over to see Penny. Once she left, we took Penny to our friend Matt's parents' house so she could meet them. We ended the night with a cookout and some yummy food!
Tuesday was hard. We had to leave early because we had things to do when we got back home. We had breakfast and then packed up the car. I think Cory's mom didn't want to let go of Penny! We had such a great time, it was really hard to leave. We are so glad our little girl is such a great traveler, though!
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